jQuery 2013

 jQuery 2013

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bit.ly/devMedia - Interaktive Version der Präsentation!

![tools](images/johannes.png) ### [JohannesHoppe.de](http://www.johanneshoppe.de/)

bit.ly/devMedia - Interaktive Version der Präsentation!

## jQuery Core ![tools](images/icon_tool.png)
### getElementsByClassName ```html contenteditable data-show-source="examples/01_getElementsByClassName.html" loading source... ``` [» Demo](examples/01_getElementsByClassName.html)
```html contenteditable data-show-source="examples/02_getElementsByClassName2.html" loading source... ``` [» Demo](examples/02_getElementsByClassName2.html)
### jQuery! ```html contenteditable data-show-source="examples/03_getElementsByClassName3.html" loading source... ``` [» Demo](examples/03_getElementsByClassName3.html)
## The jQuery way 1. **Select** some HTML (Sizzle Selector Engine) 2. Do something with it
## jQuery core
  • DOM manipulation
  • event handling
  • animations
  • AJAX
  • plugins(next webinar)
```js fragment $("#myId") // selects (one) element with the id "myId" $(".myClass") // selects all elements with the class name "myClass" $("div") // selects all elements of type "div" $("div:first") // selects the first element of type "div" $("div:odd") // selects odd "div" elements, zero-indexed $("input:not(:checked)") // equals to $("input").not(":checked") ```
### Selector Performance
  • Use IDs where possible
  • Avoid selecting by class only
  • KISS
  • Increase Specificity from Left to Right
  • Avoid touching the DOM
### Do something with it
### Example ```html contenteditable data-show-source="examples/04_jQuery_object.html" loading source... ``` [» Demo](examples/04_jQuery_object.html)
## Event Model ![tools](images/icon_flash.png)
DOM Level 3 Event Model ![W3C: level 3 event](images/events_dom.png)
DOM Level 3 Event Model ```js contenteditable document.getElementsByTagName('a')[0] .addEventListener("click", function() { alert(this.text); }); ```
jQuery Event Model ![jQuery Event Model](images/events_jquery.png)
jQuery Event Model Demo Link ```js fragment contenteditable $('a').on('click', function() { alert(this.text); }); ``` ```js fragment $('a').click(function() { alert(this.text); }); ```
### Some Ajax ```js contenteditable $(function() { $('#example').dataTable({ sAjaxSource: "/api/Note/" }); }); ```
### First try ```js contenteditable $(function() { $('td').click(function() { alert($(this).text()); }); }); ```
### Delegated events ```js contenteditable $(function() { $('table').on('click', 'td', function() { alert($(this).text()); }); }); ```
### API changes! ```js fragment contenteditable $(selector).live(events, data, handler); // jQuery 1.3+ $(document).delegate(selector, events, data, handler); // jQuery 1.4.3+ $(document).on(events, selector, data, handler); // jQuery 1.7+ ```
## Asynchronous Communication ![tools](images/icon_communication.png)
### before jQuery 1.5 ```js fragment contenteditable $.ajax({ url: "/examples/webinar.json", success: function(result) { $.each(result, function(index, value) { console.log(value.Title); }); } }); ```
### Deferred object ```js fragment contenteditable $.ajax("/examples/webinar.json") .done(function(result) { $.each(result, function(i, value) { console.log(value.Title); }); }); ```
### Deferred object - Promisses ```js fragment contenteditable $.when( $.ajax("/examples/webinar.json"), $.ajax("/examples/webinar.json")) .done(function(result1, result2) { var bothResults = result1[0].concat(result2[0]); $.each(bothResults, function(i, value) { console.log(value.Title); }); }); ```
## Best Practices ![tools](images/icon_mustache.png)
## Modul loaders use AMD (require.js) ```js contenteditable fragment define('myFirstModule', ['jquery'], function() { return { saySomething : function() { alert("hello!"); } } }); require(['myFirstModule'], function(t) { t.saySomething(); }); ```
## Own Events Publish/Subscribe Pattern ```js contenteditable fragment var $events = $({}); $events.bind('somethingHappens', function() { alert("Something happened!"); }); $events.trigger('somethingHappens'); ```
## ASP.NET MVC #### Bundling and Minification
## Plugins ![tools](images/icon_tool.png)
## 1. Utility functions similar to global functions ```js contenteditable fragment (function($) { $.say = function(what) { alert('I say ' + what); }; })(window.jQuery); ```
## 2. Wrapper methods operate on a jQuery wrapped set ```js contenteditable fragment (function($){ $.fn.changeColor = function() { return this.css('color', 'green'); }; })(window.jQuery); ```
## Default options ```js contenteditable fragment (function($){ $.fn.changeColor = function(options) { var settings = $.extend({ color: "green" }, options ); return this.css('color', settings.color); }; })(window.jQuery); ```
## Chaining! Always return this ```js contenteditable fragment (function($){ $.fn.someNewMethod = function() { return this.each(function(){ }); }; })(jQuery); ```
![Jasmine](images/jasmine_logo.png") _TDD with [Jasmine](http://pivotal.github.com/jasmine/)_
## Why Jasmine?
  •     BDD-style     similar to JSpec or RSpec,
    created by authors of jsUnit and Screw.Unit
  •  independent  from any browser, DOM,
    framework or host language
  •    integrates     into continuous build systems
## Jasmine Bootstrap ```html contenteditable small _LT_!DOCTYPE html_GT_ _LT_html_GT_ _LT_head_GT_ _LT_title_GT_Jasmine Spec Runner_LT_/title_GT_ _LT_link rel=_QUOT_stylesheet_QUOT_ href=_QUOT_lib/jasmine-1.3.1/jasmine.css_QUOT_ /_GT_ _LT_script src=_QUOT_lib/jasmine-1.3.1/jasmine.js_QUOT__GT__LT_/script_GT_ _LT_script src=_QUOT_lib/jasmine-1.3.1/jasmine-html.js_QUOT__GT__LT_/script_GT_ _LT_!-- include source files here... --_GT_ _LT_script src=_QUOT_src/Player.js_QUOT__GT__LT_/script_GT_ _LT_script src=_QUOT_src/Song.js_QUOT__GT__LT_/script_GT_ _LT_!-- include spec files here... --_GT_ _LT_script src=_QUOT_spec/SpecHelper.js_QUOT__GT__LT_/script_GT_ _LT_script src=_QUOT_spec/PlayerSpec.js_QUOT__GT__LT_/script_GT_ _LT_script_GT_ (function () { var htmlReporter = new jasmine.HtmlReporter(); var jasmineEnv = jasmine.getEnv(); jasmineEnv.addReporter(htmlReporter); jasmineEnv.specFilter = function (spec) { return htmlReporter.specFilter(spec); }; var currentWindowOnload = window.onload; window.onload = function () { if (currentWindowOnload) { currentWindowOnload(); } jasmineEnv.execute(); }; })(); _LT_/script_GT_ _LT_/head_GT_ _LT_body_GT_ _LT_/body_GT_ _LT_/html_GT_ ```
## Output
## Hello World ```javascript contenteditable var helloWorld = function() { return "Hello World!"; }; describe('helloWorld', function() { it('says hello', function() { expect(helloWorld()).toEqual("Hello World!"); }); }); jasmine.getEnv().execute(); ``` hint: press F12 and paste this code!
## Test-Driven Development 1. Write your tests 1. Watch them fail 1. Make them pass 1. Refactor 1. Repeat

see [Growing Object-Oriented Software, Guided by Tests](http://www.amazon.de/dp/0321503627), page 6
see [Working Effectively with Legacy Code](http://www.amazon.de/dp/0131177052), page 62 or many other
## 1. Write your tests ```javascript contenteditable data-show-source="js/1_jasmine-demo_fail/saveFormat.spec.js" loading source... ```
## 2. Watch them fail ```javascript contenteditable data-show-source="js/1_jasmine-demo_fail/saveFormat.js" loading source... ``` jasmine.getEnv().execute(); Demo
## 3. Make them pass ```javascript contenteditable data-show-source="js/2_jasmine-demo_pass/saveFormat.js" loading source... ``` jasmine.getEnv().execute(); Demo
## 4. Refactor ```javascript contenteditable data-show-source="js/3_jasmine-demo_refactor/saveFormat.js" loading source... ``` Demo
## 5. Repeat ```javascript contenteditable data-show-source="js/4_jasmine-demo_repeat/saveFormat.js" loading source... ``` Demo
## Testing HTML   Jasmine is DOM agnostic comes without tools to set up HTML fixtures

Definition: A test fixture is a fixed state of a set of objects used as a baseline for running tests.
## First Solution in memory fixture with jQuery ```javascript contenteditable describe('trivial jQuery plugin', function () { var fixture; beforeEach(function () { fixture = $('_LT_div_GT_some HTML code here_LT_/div_GT_'); }); it('should do something', function () { fixture.myPlugin(); expect(fixture).toHaveClass("newClass"); }); }); jasmine.getEnv().execute(); ``` ... only works for trivial plugins!
## Clumsy Solution directly append to/remove from DOM ```javascript contenteditable describe('my jQuery plugin', function () { beforeEach(function () { $('#fixture').remove(); $('body').append('_LT_div id=_QUOT_fixture_QUOT__GT_HTML_LT_/div_GT_'); }); it('should do something', function () { $('#fixture').myPlugin(); expect($('#fixture')).toHaveClass("newClass"); }); }); jasmine.getEnv().execute(); ```
## jasmine-jquery [custom matchers](https://github.com/velesin/jasmine-jquery#jquery-matchers), HTML/style/JSON fixtures, event spies ```javascript contenteditable describe('my jQuery plugin', function () { beforeEach(function() { jasmine.getFixtures().fixturesPath='js/5_jasmine-demo_jquery'; jasmine.getFixtures().load('jquery.myPlugin.spec.html'); }); it('should do something', function() { var $div = $('#helloWorld').myPlugin(); expect($div).toHaveClass("newClass"); }); }); jasmine.getEnv().execute(); ``` Demo
## Mobile Apps ![tools](images/icon_apps.png)
## Mobile Apps 1. Native apps 2. Mobile optimized Websites 3. Hybrid apps
## Downloads ![tools](images/icon_file.png) ### [bit.ly/devMedia](http://bit.ly/devMedia) ### [bit.ly/devMediaCode](http://bit.ly/devMediaCode)
## 02.10. [Webinar: require.js & modulares JS - Teil 2](http://developer-media.de/portfolioentry/require-js-prinzipien-fur-modulares-javascript-2/)
50% Wiesn-Rabatt! Code: Requirejs_JohannesHoppe
# Danke!

Created by Johannes Hoppe | Print PDF | GitHub